Invited talks
Crowdsourcing Geospatial Data in Urban Sciences: Progress and Challenges, invited by Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Urban Informatics Journal, September 23.
Artificial Intelligence Application Examples, NASA STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) program, June 17 (virtual)
Urban crowdsourcing data: applications, methodologies, and future directions, GeoAI seminar, Wuhan University and the China University of Geosciences, May 24 (virtual).
The impact of COVID-19: perspectives from big human mobility data, GeoHealth Hub research seminar, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore, May 20 (virtual).
Human Behavioral Dynamics during the COVID-19 Pandemic via Big Geospatial Data. 2022 Spring Colloquium Series, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, February 25 (virtual)
Revealing the disparity in human mobility dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic via data-driven approaches. Transportation Data Science Seminar Series by Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning at Texas A&M University, February 3 (virtual).
Home-dwelling time pattern mining based on optimized Random Forest algorithm. Research seminar invited by Beijing University, Wuhan University (Geocomputation Center for Social Science), and East China University of Science and Technology (Lab for Urban and Regional Analysis), July 15 (virtual).
The disparity in home-dwelling time during the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. Joint Seminar invited by University of Maryland, Texas A&M University & University of Tennessee Transportation Engineering and Science Student Chapter, June 10 (virtual).
SafeGraph Social Distancing Metrics for COVID-19 Studies. Invited by the Mobility Research Group of the China Data Lab and the Geo-computation Center for Social Sciences, Wuhan University, May 7 (virtual).
COVID-19 reveals the social inequity issue in the U.S. Research Showcase invited by Placekey, May 21 (virtual).
Sensing Population Distribution from Satellite Imagery via Deep Learning: Model Selection, Neighboring Effects, and Systematic Biases. GIScience Symposium Series No. 5 GeoAI, invited by Peking University, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (CAS), and Beijing Normal University, April 16 (virtual).
Disparity in compliance with social distancing policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from fine-grained mobile phone data. Guest lecture for the Department of Geography, University of Utah, April 21 (virtual).
Big mobility data reveal the luxury nature of social distancing and stay-at-home orders in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research Seminar invited by Geoinsider, December 17 (virtual).
Twitter and Disasters. Guest speaker, invited by Texas A&M University Chinese School, November 14 (virtual).
Does social inequity stand in the way of the effective implementation of stay-at-home orders?. Seminar presenter invited by SafeGraph, November 12 (virtual).
Big Geospatial Data in Assisting Disaster Assessment. Research Colloquium, University of Arkansas, AR, February 14.
Sensing and Improving Rapid Flood Mapping through Social Media Data Mining. Fall research seminar series in School of City & Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, September 27.
Selected Oral Presentations (* for presenting author)
Huang, X.*. 2022. Large-scale Population Distribution Modeling using Building Footprints and Deep Learning Techniques, The 29th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing, China, August 15-18 (forthcoming).
Huang, X.*. 2022. Sensing population distribution from satellite imagery via deep learning: model selection, neighboring effect, and systematic biases, American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, New York City, NY, February 25-March 1.
Yang, D. *, & Huang, X*. A Meta-Learning Framework for Characterizing and Accessing Training Data for GLOBE Observer Mosquito and Land Cover Protocols. NASA’s Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AICOE) Seminar, April 20 (virtual).
Wang, S.*, Huang, X., & Shen, Q. Trends in Travel Demand of Ridesourcing during the Pandemic and Factors of Land Use: A Time-Series Clustering Analysis on Chicago Data, the 2022 Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 62nd Annual Conferencee, Toronto, Ontario Canada, Noveember 3-6.
Wang, C.*, and Huang, X. 2022. Big Earth Data: Fine-scale Population Grid from Census and Open Source Satellites, the 2022 National Big Data Health Science Conference, February 11-12 (Virtual).
Wang, S.*, Liu, Y, Li, Z., Huang, X., & Hu, T. 2021. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in Australia: spatial disparity, social inequity, and unbalanced healthcare access. The Regions, Economy and Society in the Post-COVID World Online Conference, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, September 17.
Sharman, G. *, Johnson, I., Huang, X., & Szymanski, E. Predicting sand mineralogy within cordilleran orogenic systems: machine learning applied to a global database of modern-pleistocene sand samples. 2021 Geological Society of America Annual Conference, Portland, OR, October 10-13.
Wang S.*, Wang, R., Huang, X., & Li, Z. 2021. An analytical framework to evaluate the effect of COVID-19 on the restaurant industry: a study of New York City. International Symposium on Geospatial Approaches to Combating Covid-19, Florence, Italy, December 13-14.
Huang, X.*. 2021. COVID-19 exposes the long-standing social inequity issues in the U.S., Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Emerging Urban-Geo Big Data in Transportation Research, American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, April 11 (virtual).
Wang, S. *, Noland, R., & Huang, X. 2021. Does ridersourcing provide equitable accessibility?. 2021 Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, Miami, FL, October 7-9.
Sharman, G. *, Johnson, I, Huang, X., & Syzmanski, E. 2021. Predicting sand mineralogy within Cordilleran orogenic systems: Machine learning applied to a global database of modern-Pleistocene sand samples. 2021 Geological Society of America Annual Conference, Portland, OR, October 10-13.
Johnson, I. *, Sharman, G., Huang, X., & Syzmanski, E. 2021.Machine learning applied to petrographic database: introducing the global prediction of sand minerology (GloPrSM). 2021 Geological Society of America Annual Conference, Portland, OR, October 10-13.
Wang, S. *, Noland, R., & Huang, X (invited). 2021. Does ridersourcing provide equitable accessibility?. Invited presentation at the 2021 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR) conference, August 9-13 (virtual).
Huang, X.*, Xu, D., Li, Z., & Wang, C. 2020. Translating multispectral imagery to nighttime imagery via conditional generative advisarial network. 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, July 19 - July 24 (virtual).
Huang, X.* (invited panelist). 2019. Deep learning in social media retrieval for rapid flood mapping. U.S. Geological Survey: leveraging Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science, and Social Media to Produce Volunteer Geographic Information (VGI) for Hazard Science, Disaster Research, and Emergency Management, D.C, April 6.
Huang, X.* (invited speaker). 2019. Combining virtual geographic environment and fieldwork to promote efficient learning in Geography. Oktoberbest: A Celebration of Teaching, UoSC Russell House, October 18.
Huang, X.*, & Wang, C. 2019. Social media data mining in supporting rapid flood inundation mapping. The 74th Annual Meeting of SouthEastern Division of the American Association of Geographers, Wilmington, NC, November 24 - 25.
Huang, X.*. 2019. Generating population grid in the CONUS by disaggregating census population with Microsoft building footprints. The 74th Annual Meeting of SouthEastern Division of the American Association of Geographers, Wilmington, NC, November 24 - 25.
Huang, X.*, Wang, C., & Li, Z. 2019. High-Resolution Population Grid in the CONUS using Microsoft Building Footprints: a feasibility study. The 3rd ACM SIGSPTIAL Workshop on Geospatial Humanities, Chicago, IL, November 5 - 8.
Huang, X.*. 2019. A high-resolution population grid in the CONUS based on Microsoft building footprints and its potentials in hazard studies. Applied Geography Conference, Charlotte, NC, October 23 - 25.
Huang, X.*, Wang, C., & Li, Z. 2019. Linking picture with text: tagging flood relevant tweets for rapid flood inundation mapping, 2019 International Cartographic Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July 15 - 20.
Huang, X.*, Li, Z, & Wang, C. 2019. Identifying disaster related social media for rapid response: a visual-textual fused approach, AAG Annual Meeting, AAG Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group (CISG), DC, April 3 - 7.
Wang, C.*, Morgan, G., Hodgson, M., Huang, X. 2019. Drone based 3D Tree Structure Surveying on Earth Dams to Assist Dam Safety. The 74th Annual Meeting of SouthEastern Division of the American Association of Geographers, Wilmington, NC, November 24 - 25.
Wang, C.*, & Huang, X. 2018. Integration of social sensing and remote sensing for situation awareness of coastal floods. The 3rd Conference of Digital Belt and Road (DBAR), Tengchong, Yunnan Province, China, December 5 - 7.
Wang, C.*, & Huang, X. 2018. Rapid flood inundation mapping via integrated social sensing and Earth sensing. 2018 SEDAAG Annual Meeting, Johnson City, TN, November 8 - 19.
Wang, C.*, & Huang, X. 2018. Rapid flood inundation reconstruction by integrating social media and satellite imagery. Applied Geography Conference, Kent, OH, October 31 – November 2.
Huang, X.*, Wang, C., & Li, Z. 2018. Reconstructing flood inundation probability by enhancing near real-time imagery with real-time gauges and tweets, AAG Annual Meeting, Remote Sensing Specialty Group (RSSG), New Orleans, LA, April 13.
Huang, X.*, Wang, C., & Li, Z. 2017. A near real-time flood mapping approach by integrating social media and post-event satellite imagery, The 25th International Conference on GeoInformatics, Buffalo, OH, August 3.